DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-157-163
Introduction. The basis of the article is determination of the specific features of the plots of animal tales in AzeIntroduction. The basis of the article is determination of the specific features of the plots of animal tales in Azerbaijani folklore and their comparative research. Material and methods. The material of the research are the samples written by the research workers of the Folklore Chair of Baku State University and Institute of Folklore of National Academy of Sciences. Their variants in the Russian oral literature are also the basis of the research. The main purpose of the article is to determine the differences between the group of animal tales and other groups, to reveal the typological peculiarities on the basis of the comparison of the similar plots with their analogues in the other peoples’ tales. Results and discussion. The article states that one of the peculiarities that distinguishes animal tales from other groups of tales are animal characters that act as the object and subject of the plot. Animals’ conversation isn’t considered to be a sign of a miracle in such samples. In contrast, animals’ speech is considered to be common. This is considered to be ancient people’s primitive notions that didn’t separate themselves from nature. It is also emphasized in the article that characters’ activity is expressed in dialogues. A character isn’t a principle in such tales, activity is. The article enumerates fundamental distinctions traced between European and Azerbaijani animal tales. The relation of these tales to mythic thinking, totemism and ancient people’s occupation of hunting is revealed from the etymological standpoint. The article contains the comparison of the different peoples’ tales with the same plots; stereotyping of the characters’ behaviour in the same situation is considered to be a phenomenon that takes place regardless of the nationality and is caused by the persons’ physiological identity and psychological factors. Conclusion. The specific additions to the famous Azerbaijani people’s plots are determined on the basis of the comparative research of the concrete tales in the article; their connection with the world outlook, mentality, folklore traditions is proved. It is ascertained that the main peculiarity of the animal tales is the characters’ action expressed by dialogues not by narrative. It is revealed that nomination of the characters gains functionality in the text.
Keywords: animal characters, plot, totem, tale, fable, natural character, social relations, animal epos
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 157 — 163
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