DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-147-156
Introduction. The modernist esthetics of Lena Eltang’s prose, as well as the biographical factor (she is a fourthwave emigrant who now lives in Lithuania) explains the value for the author and characters of the novel’s word, the speech as a method of conservation and expression the inner world of a person in a non-native environment. The purpose of the work is to identify the semantics and functionality of the main point in the novel “Stone Maples”/”Kamennyye kloyny” (2008) by L. Eltang of the motive complex “peace – silence – word/speech”. Material and methods. The method of research is a motivational analysis based on the works of B. Gasparov, I Paperno, V. Silantyev, O. Rusanova. In understanding of the general cultural semantics of the motives of silence, peace and speech, we rely on the works of O. M. Freidenberg, M. Epstein, A. Genis. Results and discussion. The analysis performed to identify the central place of the silence motive in the selected motive complex. The motive of silence is multifunctional: it participates in the movement of the plot, draws up the image of the main character and characterizes the relationship between the characters, appears as the one of the narrative techniques (ignoring the addressee, silence in response), also accompanies the development of the theme of creativity. Silence is interpreted as a reorientation of the person from external to internal, from waste of words in oral speech to their accumulation for creating a text. Silence is existential: it is a condition for capturing the “call of being” and invitingly itself, helps another to pay attention to the subject of silence. The semantic difference between the motives of silence and peace is significant. The first is internally potentially resolved by speech, word-life, the second relates to death, loss of identification, ability to express oneself. Сonclusion. It is based on the poetics of neomythologies and uses the general cultural semantics of the motive complex “words – peace – silence: in an individual experience of the main character which repeats the stories of the heroes of ancient myths and fairy tales, living an archaic plot of silence – a word which is synonymous of the plot of death – resurrection (O. M. Freidenberg).
Keywords: modern modernism, literature of Russian emigration, motif, motif complex, word, silence, silence, Lena Eltang
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 147 — 156
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