DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-136-146
The research contains an immanent analysis of the lyrical microcycle of the late period of work by Mandelshtam “I got lost in the sky – what shall I do?”. The creative world of the diptych is analysed by the authors of the article in dynamic aspect, in connection with the stages of the development of the lyrical plot of search of the true way. Special attention is given to not only poetics (figurative language, prosody aspects), but also to interpretations of intrinsic antinomies reflecting world outlook dominants (sky – earth, life – death, eternal – present and others). Besides, the literary allusions playing an important meaning-forming role in the poems by Mandelshtam are revealed. As a literary pre-text “The Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri is considered. As a result of a consecutive comparison of the basic images, verse features and logic of expansion of the plot, the main principle of cyclization – modulation of the meanings within the limits of the key topic is found. A similar creative move reflects the uncertainty of reflexions and moods of the poet caused by complex life circumstances. The lyrical hero has an aspiration to renounce “down-to-earth” problems, to find the true way. Familiarizing with eternal art, service to the people becomes the result of this way. The article is addressed to all interested in Russian poetry of the Silver age, in particular in works by Osip Mandelshtam as well as to the experts-philologists, concerned with poetics of a lyrical text.
Keywords: lyrics by Mandelshtam of 1930s, lyrical plot, Dante, meaning-forming text structures
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 136 — 146
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