DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-128-135
Introduction. The hagiographic tradition is explored in “The Life of the Great Sinner” and in the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” by F. M. Dostoevsky. Materials and research methods. The material of the study are the artistic, journalistic and documentary texts of F. M. Dostoevsky. The work uses the cultural-historical, comparative, structural, typological, biographical methods, as well as the method of conceptual analysis. Results and discussion. The focus of researchers is on the implementation of life traditions in the works under study at the level of the structure and ideological plans of the works, for example, the life orientation of the narrator, the system of characters. All available research trajectories are usually directed to work inside artistic texts and demonstrate a receptive literary review of the stated problems, or have an interpretation of Christian motifs and images. Conclusion. A holistic study of hagiographic tradition in the work of F. M. Dostoevsky on the material of the novel “The Brothers Karamazov” and “The Life of the Great Sinner” can be implemented by applying a set of approaches to the study: historical, cultural, biographical. It is also necessary to use the axiological approach in the analysis of the literary texts of the writer, in journalism, ego-documents of Dostoevsky himself, and his close circle. An appropriate structure of the materials under study should be built with the rationale for their involvement. In this direction, the study of the author’s ideology, understanding of the author’s worldview and features of his consciousness, as well as the study of the environment of historical reality and its influence on the writer, which will bring new insights into the problem of studying hagiographic tradition in literary analysis.
Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, novel “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Life of the Great Sinner”, hagiography, life, Orthodoxy, Russian culture, morality, spirituality, values, anti-value
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 128 — 135
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