DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-101-110
The article presents a fragment of the analysis of the semantics of reflexive denominative dialect verbs in order to study the pragmatic aspects of the linguistic meaning. The scientists opinions about the concept of reflexivity, the classification of reflexive verbs are presented. The place of the analyzed verbs among different classes of reflexive verbs is described. It is determined that the reflexive verbs belong to the group of the deponent verbs. The semantic diversity of the postfix -sja (-ся) is identified. The reflexive morpheme has not only grammatical meanings, it necessarily performs the word-formation function and participates in the creation of a set of units with a new lexical meaning. The classification of the ways of word formation of reflexive dialect verbs is carried out in accordance with such a classification of common Russian verbs. Most of the dialect verbs do not have common meanings, but individual ones. The cognitive models characterizing the kinds of actions represented by denominative reflexive verbs are defined. The examples of the verb propositions are given. It is established that the characterizing reflexive verbs can be mono- and polypropositional structures. It turned out that these denominations can be represented by the denominative verbs indicating a subject, object and propositions. This is due to the types of situations reflected: characteristics of internal and external qualities of a person and human relationships. Most polypropositional denominations appeared on the basis of metaphors. Many structures of metaphorical verbs include the Mode of the fictitious nature and the assessment Mode, expressing the attitude of the Speaker towards the signified. The fictitious and evaluative modality can be complicated by emotive modality – disapproval, neglect. The resulting expression is purely word-formational in its nature. The use of complex methods of the formation (suffixal-postfixal; prefixsuffixal- postfixal) for many characterizing verbs is one of the means of expression creation. The reflexive postfix of the denominative verbs does not perform its function of the actant derivation indicator. The postfix -sja does not mark the actant derivation, but the number of participants, the degree of agentivity and other parameters of the situation. In some cases, the choice of a reflexive / non-reflexive variant of the denominative verb to denote the characterizing name is not always explainable.
Keywords: proposition, semantics, derivative, dialect vocabulary, reflexivity‚ postfix -sja, metaphoric models, evaluative vocabulary, subjective modality
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 101 — 110
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