DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-54-63
Introduction. In this article we attempted to analyze the textual material of two multi-genre works written by one author. Our attention was drawn to the mechanisms of actualization of meaning at the level of words, phrases and sentences. In the course of our analysis, we also identified concepts that are significant for the author and described the role of concept-regulators in the formation of meaning represented in fiction and publicistic texts. Purpose of the study. Our purpose is to analyze the textual material of two multi-genre works of literature and prove that certain set of relevant meanings, represented by the concepts “ethics”, “memory” and “power” within the text of a publicistic work, will also be present in the conceptual-semantic content of the work of fiction by the same author. Material and methods. We have used the following methods: conceptual and structural analysis of the text, stylistic analysis of the text, associative-semantic interpretation of the text in the context of communicative and anthropocentric paradigms; morphological, lexical and syntactic analysis of the text with allocation of its separate levels represented by a word and an utterance. Works of Viet Thanh Nguyen “The Sympathizer” and “Nothing Ever Dies” with a total volume of 727 pages is the material of the research. Results and discussion. The study confirmed the suppositional hypothesis. The semantic dominant “memory” inside the semantic field “love – life – war – memory – sensation”, which we discovered earlier in the analysis of the “The Sympathizer”, remains analogous in the publicistic work “Nothing Ever Dies”. The analysis of the work “Nothing Ever Dies” confirmed the remaining actuality of the dominant concept “memory”, the significant concept “power” and also allowed us to highlight and describe the properties of the concept-regulators “ethics” and “dual”. Conclusion. The stylistic, syntactic, conceptual and structural analysis of the two texts allowed us to single out previously unnoticed functional concepts-regulators “ethics” and “dual” implemented in speech in conjunction with other concepts that demonstrate greater substantiality, but less functionality, such as “memory” and “power”. The duality of the concept “memory” is not an internal attribute of this concept, but arises under the influence of the concept-regulatory “dual”. The same is true for other substantial concepts, such as, for example, “power”.
Keywords: concept, concept-regulator, multi-genre works, publicistic work, discourse, transmission of meaning
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 54 — 63
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