DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-47-53
Introduction. The object of this research is the pragmatic functions of such discourse elements as pragmatic markers that are used in English gastronomic discourse, namely, in a TV and Internet cooking show. Material and methods. The material for this research is the cooking show videos of popular British chef Jamie Oliver, published on his official YouTube channel in 2018–2019. The methods of the research are discourse analysis, analysis of pragmatic markers and the method of linguistic description. Results and discussion. The introduction observes the concepts of “discourse” and “gastronomic discourse”, the features of the gastronomic discourse, its genre diversity, pragmatic potential of the TV and Internet cooking show. Various studies of linguists on the correlation of the terms “pragmatic marker” and “discourse marker” are reviewed. As the methodological basis of the research we chose Fraser’s classification of pragmatic markers. The classification of pragmatic markers revealed from the videos, its quantitative and qualitative analysis resulted in the establishment of pragmatic functions that different types of pragmatic markers perform in the discourse of the cooking show. Conclusion. It was concluded that: 1) the gastronomic discourse cooking show genre influences the formation of the gastronomic preferences of the audience; 2) pragmatic markers are necessary to indicate the speaker’s attitude to the utterance, as well as to facilitate the process of pragmatic conclusions; 3) due to pragmatic markers, the arsenal of language means involved in creating the required pragmatic effect of the cooking show is increased; 4) pragmatic markers of the discourse of the cooking show help keep the viewer’s attention and create the illusion of direct communication with the audience.
Keywords: pragmatic markers, discourse markers, gastronomic discourse, cooking show
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 47 — 53
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