DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-39-46
Introduction. Categories, traditionally studied in philosophy, got into the sphere of linguistic interests with the development of cognitive investigations in linguistics, motivated by the fact that cognitive process of category formation is completed with the acquisition by the category of its name. Among various types of categories relevant for cognitive studies ontological and modus categories are found, some of them are formed and function due to crosscorrelation. Aim. The article is devoted to the analysis of the ontological category of absence (and its concept) and to the inquiry into functional interdependence of absence and the modus category of negation on the material of the Russian and English languages. Material and methods. Conceptual and semantic derivation in the field of scientific terminology caused the philosophical notion “ontological” to develop a new meaning in the context of the notion “category”. The scientific terminological word combination “ontological category” has rather a strong position in the linguistic methodology. The attribute “ontological” specifies the type of categories that are singled out from the universal continuum of human being (language world view). Absence refers to the sphere of ontological categories of a more general, abstract group (process, state, quality, object, etc.). The corresponding concept “otsutstviye/absence” is a universal and abstract knowledge structure of basic human experience. Although the vocabulary definitions of the concept names otsutstviye and absence are extremely generalized, the contexts in which the words can be used, highlight the dominant features of the concept, pointing to the related fundamental concepts, negation as a modus category being among them. Modus concepts exist jointly with their attributive conceptual fields. “Emptiness” of the concept of negation accounts for its being built in the concept of absence, their joint representation of unified, integrated knowledge. Conclusion. The investigation helps to clarify the specificity of ontological and modus categories interaction. It can be used to develop theoretical courses on cognitive studies in linguistics, lexicology, conceptology.
Keywords: ontological category, modus category, absence, negation, concept, function and structure of concept
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 39 — 46
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