DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-16-22
Introduction. Translation of scientific and technical literature is always connected with some difficulties associated with the grammar structure and terminological features. Technical translation must be carried out as accurately as possible, trying to convey the semantic meaning of the source in the best way. Stylistically this kind of translations should be logical and clearly stated. Material and methods. Each area of science is characterized by its own term system and microelectronics, being one of the fastest growing industries, in turn, undergoes constant updating of terminology. The dynamics of this industry global development has a significant impact on the formation of terms in microelectronics, which are characterized by a significant percentage of international words. The origin and approval of new terms is very dynamic compared to word formation in general vocabulary. The essence of the term included in special vocabulary is determined only by its content and is understandable to a narrow circle of specialists. It is generally accepted to subdivide terms into technical and general scientific ones. In some sources, common words are additionally separated from general scientific words. Being used in a specific field, general scientific terms often acquire a specific value specifically for this branch of science. Results and discussion. Consideration of some widespread examples of terms in the field of microelectronics allows us to conclude about their various meanings depending on the context, which must be taken into account, because the polysemy of the term can become an obstacle to the correct translation. In addition, the context will help to understand whether the word is used in a usual or special technical meaning, what is the specific meaning of a multi-valued term, and in the case of multicomponent context, it helps to omit uninformative components. The phenomenon of interference of terms from related fields to microelectronics is noted, which is associated with the rate of development of the industry, for which language tools often do not keep it. Special attention is paid to the use of metaphors as terms and the figurativeness of English terms in general is noted, in comparison with Russian ones, characterized by accuracy and laconism. A correct translation of a term is determined by its morphological structure, semantic features, types of terms, phrases, their structural features and specifics of use. From the morphological point of view, the most common at the moment are multicomponent phrases. Depending on the composition of the terms, phrases, they are divided into three types. For each type of phrase, specific examples are given. Conclusion. Consideration of the main issues of terminology in the field of microelectronics indicates that the composition of the terminology of a scientific text is characterized by the prevalence of commonly used words. Initially having several meanings, when used in a context, they acquire a specific meaning for a specific area. When considering morphological features, the superiority of terms-phrases is noted, in which, from a structural point of view, nouns and adjectives prevail as attribute elements.
Keywords: scientific and technical texts style, term system, term, phrases, morphological features
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 16 — 22
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