DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-9-9-15
Introduction. The article focuses on the ways human beings conceptualize, structure and make sense of their physical and mental experience. Mental states of perception, imagination, belief, knowledge interact tightly with one another and this ontological nature is represented in the lexical semantics of the verbs see, imagine, believe, think, know. Thus, the main concern of the study is to highlight cognitive-semantic grounds of the semantic shifts of the imagine class verbs and to reveal syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic properties of the utterances arranged by these verbs. Material and methods. The research is based on the empirical data from available sources and corpora data. The research is conducted within the cognitive linguistics framework where a common view is that meaning has a cognitive nature. Results and discussion. The paper explores how lexical meanings get extended in a particular cognitive context. The findings of the study suggest that the verbs under consideration function as IMAGINERY VISION verbs and as epistemic verbs in the cognitive context BELIEF. The results obtained suggest that meanings of the imagine class verbs (supposition/evaluative judgment/wrong opinion) imply that related word “senses” may be part of a continuum of meanings rather than discrete entity. The research highlights polyphony as an important double-voiced dimension of the utterances with the imagine class verbs in the cognitive context BELIEF. Conclusion. The findings of the study prove that the meanings of the imagine class verbs occupy overlapping areas of semantic space. The results obtained may contribute to further studies of the word meaning theory.
Keywords: mental state, proposition, propositional attitude, imagination, semantic derivation, evaluative judgment, supposition
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Issue: 9, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 9
Pages: 9 — 15
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