DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-128-135
Introduction. The paper deals with one of the cornerstones, fundamental substances of the modern world order (now based on the triad matter – energy – information) – information. Information transmission process, relevant for such areas as journalism, philology, diplomacy, sociology, business - is considered as a fragment of the worldview, both from the viewpoint of content and form. An attempt of structuring the process based on the interdisciplinary study achievements led to designing the 11-member model. As far as, according to the data of the large modern semantic dictionaries, the language (verbal) units of the process elements’ designation appeared disconnected, separated into different headings (8 in amount), sometimes not closely related to each other, the need of enlargening the scale of this block correspondingly arose. The verb vocabulary selected on the basis of Laboratory for General and Computational Lexicology and Lexicography of the Philology Faculty of the Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov database has formed a united class of Information Transmission Verbs numbering 340 units and relevant for the lexical-syntactic Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL) course. The meaning of information transmission acts as a strong (belonging to lexical semantics), weakened (activized only with the support of the context) and figurative of different types. Consequently, these language meanings’ types in RFL vocabulary should be presented in different ways. The purpose of this article was 1) to put the formed vocabulary in accordance with the Model of Information Transmission; 2) to analyze the dictionary in regard to two positions of the developed model: action designation and information (message) type. Material and methods. The leading research method was the method of verbal word component analysis. Results and discussion. It turned out that the verbal vocabulary is working out the information transmission process both qualitatively and quantitatively. At the same time, such qualitative characteristics as the absence of the sender and different types of information distortion appear. Quantitative characteristics have the form of information dosing and the intensity/extensity of the process. Verbs of Information Transmission (as ободрить, обнадежить, вселить надежду, развеселить), characterizing both the sender and the addressee, and simultaneously transmitting the sender’s intention and the recipient`s response – have been brought to light. Typifying information (also associated with the syntagmatic features of a verbal predicate), on the one hand, gives a fairly broad picture of its varieties, and on the other hand, allows us to determine, albeit relatively, its volume. Conclusion. Selected language means for designating positions of the Information Transmission Model are intended for the lexical-syntactic course of functional Russian.
Keywords: information transmission process structuring, language means of positions` denotation, Russian as a foreign language
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 128 — 135
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