DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-8-77-83
Introduction. In rapid computerization and mathematization of almost all areas of knowledge the mathematical training of students at a higher education institution must be of an anticipatory nature and be aimed at obtaining results that will be in demand in a technologized society. Modern society requires the individual skills of self-organization, self-development, self-regulation, self-control, self-education, etc. These tasks can be successfully solved in the process of mathematical training of students with the competent organization of the educational process. Material and methods. The basis for the substantiation and implementation of the principle of refocusing the mathematical training process of the university students from “teaching maths” to “teaching by maths” was based on the methods of theoretical and empirical research. Results and discussion. The main tasks of high-quality mathematical education of students, which a modern university is facing today, are considered. Mathematics is characterized as a science and a body of knowledge; a language of research and modeling for solving problems in various fields of knowledge; a system of organization of thinking. The object, subject, methods and properties of mathematics are highlighted. The fundamental functions of students’ mathematical training are revealed: teaching mathematics – involving mastering the system of mathematical knowledge and skills, the formation of mathematical competence; teaching by mathematics – aimed at the intellectual development of students, formation of logical thinking, development of mathematical literacy, etc. The implementation of the principle “learning by mathematics” in the electronic educational environment is characterized through the integration of the content of mathematical courses with specialized disciplines; the choice of the type and method of presentation of educational material not only for carrying out calculations, but for visualizing abstract mathematical concepts and knowledge; differentiation and personification of teaching mathematics through the using non-linear methods and various types of presentation depending on the psycho-physiological characteristics, cognitive styles of students, professional area, including taking into account health features (persons with disabilities). Conclusion. The results of the study showed that refocusing the mathematical training process of the university students from “teaching maths” to “teaching by maths” through the organization of training within electronic educational environment allows students to assimilate the system of mathematical knowledge and skills, actively apply the methods of mathematical research; quickly adapt to the changing conditions of modern society and production, acquiring the necessary competencies for professional activities in the process of solving various applied problems.
Keywords: mathematics, mathematical training, functions of mathematical training, teaching mathematics, teaching by mathematics, electronic educational environment, student, higher educational institutions
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Issue: 8, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 8
Pages: 77 — 83
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