DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-24-31
Introduction. The paper focuses on the main term formation processes in the Russian language based on the field of oil and oil products desulfurization. Such features of the studied filed as low exploration degree and absence of term pattern bring this study up-to-date. Taking into account that the removal of sulfur improves the quality of oil and its derivatives, desulfurisation of crude oil and oil products is a strategic pathway not only for Russia, but also for other countries that extract and refine oil. A more complete understanding of the term formation processes has a positive impact on the development of the Russian language scientific worldview, and also enhances the professional qualities of Russian translators. Aim and objectives. The aim of current paper is to regulate selected terms of the previously unexplored oil and oil products desulfurization field according to the principle of term formation. This research is useful not only for specialists in this field, but also for translators working in the chosen sphere. Material and methods. The material for research is The Basic Terms in Oil and Gas Processing: A Brief Reference Book by G. Tarakanov and Transformations of Sulfur Compounds and Aromatic Hydrocarbons of Oils Diesel Fractions in the Processes of Oxidative Desulfurization by E. Krivtsov. Resuls and discussion. Basic word formation processes of the national Russian language, terminologization, and transterminization are widely-used at the level of the original vocabulary in the studied terminology sphere. The term formation with the adaptation of foreign language inclusions also occurs at the same level. The formation of terms based on the method of calquing belongs to the junction of the borrowed and original vocabulary. The Russian language is able to transcribe foreign terms, and its alphabetic system determines its ability to transliteration. Conclusion. Term formation processes in the Russian terminology of the “Desulphurization of oils and oil products” sphere on the basis of original vocabulary is more motivated than on the basis of borrowed. However, in the studied term system, there is a high tendency to adapt foreign-language inclusions, mainly Greek and Latin, which is caused by the medieval tradition to assign chemical elements names in Latin.
Keywords: term formation, Russian language terminology, oil and oil products desulfurization, native vocabaluray, borrowed vocabulary, way of term formation
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 24 — 31
Downloads: 754