DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-148-157
The article considers the way linguistic and cultural knowledge is used in translation and justifies the need to view a translator as a professional native and foreign language user. Similarly, it is important to recognize the specific character of translator’s language knowledge because, firstly, it is a tool in a professional cross-cultural mediation in translation; secondly, it provides the basis for the acquisition, development and functioning of translation skills. An attempt is made to identify the characteristics of translator’s linguacultural knowledge relevant to the process of code-switching, which should be viewed as the switching of linguacultural codes in order to reflect the interlingual and cross-cultural aspects of translation. Based on the analysis of the mental processes and mechanisms of linguacultural switching the following characteristics of translator’s lingualcultural knowledge have been proposed. Chunk-based language knowledge is represented by communicative chunks and communicative contours and is able to improve access, activation and retrieval of linguistic knowledge, error control, the functioning of radiant thinking and spreading activation. Frame-based knowledge of a foreign language creates the framework for probabilistic forecasting, facilitates direct access to conceptual representations in a foreign language, raises its activation level and reduces its dependence on the native language, as well as improving integration of linguistic and conceptual information into semantic memory. Systemic language knowledge means knowing a language as a system of dependencies and connections and ensures distinctness, flexibility and mobility of language knowledge. Language awareness involves the ability to pay attention to language forms, reflect on language, patterns and specific character of its functioning. Such awareness develops the skill of separating two languages and cultures, improves language and error control and prevents linguistic interference. Functional parallelism reflects the type of relationship between two language systems and is made up of systemic, communicative and operational aspects. The last characteristic involves the awareness of the linguistic factors causing breakdowns in code-switching in translation, as well as the ability to predict and deal with such problems. Collectively, the above-mentioned characteristics form the readiness and ability of a translator to code-switch. The development of these characteristics should be made part of professionally oriented foreign language teaching to trainee translators.
Keywords: translation, code-switching, professionally oriented foreign language teaching, metalinguistic awareness, frame
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 148 — 157
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