DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-140-147
Introduction. The article considers the relevance of the formation of a foreign-language ethnocultural competence of high school students as a process of becoming a patriotic representative of their country in intercultural communication. The purpose of the article is to identify the didactic potential of the ethnoculturema, which is important to use when forming the foreign language ethnocultural competence of high school students. Material and methods. Theoretical analysis allowed to clarify the concept of “ethnoculturema” as a unit of education in the formation of foreign language ethnocultural competence, to justify and describe its types. These include: lacunae (interlanguage lacunae or reality), cultural background vocabulary and nomena (objectification of a person’s name and a place name). The analysis and synthesis of the works of leading researchers on the problem of lacunarity allowed us to identify the groups of interlingual absolute lacunae, which are necessary in the formation of foreign ethnocultural competence. There are the examples for each group, as well as their possible translation and explanation in English. Results and discussion. The author analyzed the possibilities of ethnoculturemas possible elimination, their most adequate translation transferring ethnocultural meaning in English. In conclusion, it is claimed that using the mechanism of “parallel connection of external cultural designation” is necessary. The meaning of this mechanism is specified with the reference to ethnoculturema elimination. The most effective way to convey the meaning of the ethnoculturema is a two-component connection for the lacunae and nomena, and a three-component connection for the cultural-background vocabulary. The examples are given in English with a detailed analysis of the mechanisms of their translation and transmission of ethnocultural meaning. Conclusion. The article concludes with a summary of the research revealing the practical significance of the use of ethnoculturemas elimination in the formation of foreign language ethnocultural competence in senior secondary schools.
Keywords: foreign language ethnocultural competence, didactic characteristics, ethnoculturema, lacuna, nomen, cultural-background vocabulary, elimination, parallel connection
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 140 — 147
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