DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-105-114
Introduction. The article deals with the onomatopoeic verbs of the German language and the peculiarities of their functioning in the texts of various genres: in colloquial speech, in literary and journalistic texts, in newspaper and magazine periodicals, and in German-language chats. The purpose of the study was to determine the frequency and originality of the use of onomatopoetic verbs. Material and methods. The theoretical part of the paper presents the classification of verbs selected for the study. The basis of the classification was the systemic dictionary by L.M. Vasilyev compiled on the material of the Russian language. The authors applied this principle of systematization to the material of the German language and supplemented the existing classification taking into account the examples selected for the analysis. The material for the study includes 161 sentences from fiction, journalist and German-language chats using onomatopoeic verbs. Results and discussion. To confirm the sound nature of this group of words, the article presents the etymology and meaning of the analyzed verbs in monolingual dictionaries. This group of words in German is quite numerous due to the presence of sound in the commission of almost any action. Many onomatopoeic verbs are characterized by polysemy associated with many associations of the same word in the minds of native speakers. The words of this group can have emotional, evaluative (both positive and negative) expressive and stylistic components of meaning. Conclusion. The article shows how actively and diversely the onomatopoeic verbs are used by the authors due to their expressiveness and emotionality, the ability to have a certain impact on the listener or reader. The results of solving the problem determine the theoretical significance. The study contributes to the development of the theory of functioning of onomatopoeic verbs. The practical value of the study is the ability to use the results of the study in the development of lecture courses and seminars on Lexicology, Stylistics and Text analysis in the course of modern German. Thus, the results of the study confirmed the authors’ assumption about the possible diversity of the functioning of onomatopoetic verbs in the texts of various genres.
Keywords: onomatopoeia, onomatopoeic verbs, lexical expressive means, semantics, verbs of sounding
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 105 — 114
Downloads: 702