DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2019-7-48-54
Introduction. The study of the costume code of linguistic cultural type is presented. The relevance of this work is due to the lack of basic research studying the costume code in linguistic culture. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the vocabulary of the dialects of the Middle Ob region is considered as the result of objectification of the costume code of cultural in type. The purpose of the analysis of language material is to determine the essence and identify the specifics of the functioning of the costume code in dialect linguistic culture. The following tasks were set: to determine the circle of tokens through which the costume code is verbalized; carry out their classification; define the costume code functions that are represented in these language units. Material and methods. The research material was the dialectic speech of the inhabitants of the Middle Ob region recorded in the Tomsk dialect dictionaries and in the dialect base of the Laboratory for General and Siberian Lexicography of Tomsk State University. In the course of the work, more than a thousand lexical units were identified, objectifying the sphere of traditional Russian clothing. In the course of the work, descriptive, differentiated, distributive methods were used, as well as a semantic analysis of linguistic units, their linguocultural description. The use of the above methods of analysis and processing of the material made it possible to fix the special cultural meanings of the costume code objectified in the dialect language. Conclusion. The vocabulary of the dialects of the Middle Ob, objectifying the costume code, is considered as a set of culturally significant units, in the semantics of which there is a cultural connotation. It is shown how the cultural semantics of the costume item is verbalized, i.e. it is represented in the language code.
Keywords: clothing code, cultural code, traditional Russian culture, nomination of cloth, dressing
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Issue: 7, 2019
Series of issue: Issue 7
Pages: 48 — 54
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