DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-186-190
The article describes the strategy of professional training of a teacher-musician using modern audiovisual technologies. The characteristic of both traditional audiovisual means and technologies (different types of presentation, training, reference, creative computer programs using sound and image) and modern means functioning in a computer multimedia environment (digital (electronic) educational resources, music and computer training programs) is given. The advantages of using audiovisual technologies in solving a number of methodical tasks of the lesson are described: the development of a variety of methodological tools, differentiation of these methodological developments into groups of exercises. The expediency of the use of audiovisual technologies is also considered in terms of the formation of professional competencies of bachelors. The important technological functions of music and computer training programs are noted, namely their polyinstrumental format, the possibility of “immersion” of the child in the historical, artistic and emotional environment of musical culture due to sound material. It is shown how the technical capabilities of music and computer programs contribute to the immersion of the child in the process of musical creativity, create conditions for the activation of creative imagination, cause interest in the art of music. The examples of realization of the system of creative tasks in the creative-computer format are given.
Keywords: audiovisual technologies, digital educational resources, music and computer training programs, interactive forms of learning, training of music teachers in the university
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 186 — 191
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