DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-165-170
The article is devoted to the problem of cognitive interest development among senior schoolchildren of nonhumanitarian classes during the English language acquisition at a secondary school. The author draws attention to the fact that the newly formed scientific branches provide the emergence of new professions, change the system of school education and increase the development of cognitive interest among schoolchildren. The main idea of the present article is to demonstrate the necessity of learning English for senior schoolchildren, whose profile subjects are Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics, as new professions actively come into modern life. Foreign language is considered to be polysubject and can enrich senior schoolchildren of non–humanitarian profile with knowledge on Natural Science and Mathematics and develop their cognitive interest. The interest to a foreign language as a subject, in recent times, is explained by it’s penetrating into different spheres and nonlinguistic professions. Actually, spheres of using a foreign language are extended. According to the “Atlas of new professions”, to 2025–2035 many new professions occur, many of them will need the knowledge of a foreign language. Intersubject relations come into modern school education and really extend the zone of subject knowledge on profile because of the interpenetration of knowledge of different subjects. Integration of a foreign language with Science subjects and Mathematics gives the opportunity for schoolchildren to get new knowledge on profile subjects (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics and others) and increase the development of cognitive interest among senior schoolchildren. We consider that intersubject integration increases schoolchildren’s motivation to learning foreign languages, develops different kinds of thinking, forms the following abilities – to analyze, to generalize, to synthesize, to compare, make conclusions and others.
Keywords: cognitive interest, cognitive motivation, intersubject, integration of humanitarian and natural science knowledge, new professions
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 165 — 170
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