DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-105-111
The article is devoted to the research of the system of Dostoyevsky’s pedagogical ideas realized in the text of “A Writer`s Diary”. As a statement of the problem, the writer’s pedagogical ideas are analyzed in the context of artistic, aesthetic, moral, philosophical and social problems which are comprehended in the monomagazine and have distinct focus to activization of a value position of the reader. The complex of the pedagogical ideas of Dostoyevsky in the context of insufficient study of “The diary of the writer” acquire the status of a current scientific and methodological problem, to the study of which the science of Dostoyevsky in a format of integral monologic research did not apply. In the system of pedagogical dominants of Dostoyevsky, the following are distinguished: family, public education (environment, school, teacher’s image) and spirituality. Considering a person as a spiritual-corporal creature, the writer shows the importance of creation of conditions of the personal value choice which should be provided by the concerned involvement of adults, creation of the “soil” in the form of family space, spiritual imperatives of the Russian culture and traditions of the Russian people. Education in Dostoyevsky’s concept represents dialogical process of spiritual communication of the persons-subjects, capable of understanding and acceptance, mutual moral perfection. The analysis of the pedagogical ideas of Dostoyevsky is also significant for the national educational policy not only in the field of teaching Russian and literature, but also for the practical solution of questions of spiritual and moral upbringing and education.
Keywords: F. M. Dostoyevsky, “A Writer`s Diary”, author, values, Orthodoxy, Russian culture, spiritual and moral education, moral, consciousness, childhood, “casual family”, dialogue, people, parents, teacher, subject, Strategy of development of education in the Ru
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 105 — 111
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