DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-100-104
The article analyzes the little studied component of the national culture – the religious artistic discourse of the first third of the XX century: lyrical texts, created mainly, in the conditions of exile and camps of 1920–30. Tatyana Nikolaevna Grimblit’s literary heritage, extracted from archival sources, is compiled into scientific circulation. She composes several dozen poems, which can be regarded as a kind of an auto-commentary on her life. The poetic texts of T. Grimblit are lined up in a certain plot, revealing the main landmarks of the heroine’s spiritual path and reflecting the appearance of the epoch. The religious-ethical picture of the world of T. Grimblit is investigated, based on the Christian doctrine and defining the specifics of the chronotopic system of lyric poetry. Specifics of the spatial poetics of lyrical texts T. Grimblit are determined: the principle of dichotomy, which includes an image of an obese socium, on the one hand, and sacred reality on the other. To the spiritual sphere is not only the world of the soul of the lyrical heroine, but the images of natural being, incl. Siberian chronotope. The ways of modeling the movement of Siberia in the lyrics of T. Grimblit are analyzed: retrospective, implicit, natural philosophical. The chronotope of Siberia is recreated in a retrospective aspect and with an implicit position, which determines its positive characteristics in the text: as a native space for the heroine, performing the functions of protection and being the source of inspiration. The Siberian chronotope is comprehended by the author in the natural-philosophical aspect: as a sign of the divine presence in the earthly world. The natural-philosophical interpretation of the image of Siberia in T. Grimblit’s lyrics is supplemented by an indication of specific toponyms, as well as an appeal to universal formulas that go back to the folklore tradition.
Keywords: Siberian text, chronotope, world view, spatial poetics, ambivalence, religious and philosophical lyrics, natural philosophy, Christian discourse, opposition center – periphery, folklore formulas, lyrical heroine
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 100 — 104
Downloads: 745