DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-77-80
Today television is the main mass media. It can show a huge audience not only current events, but also recreate the past. Therefore, today television is actively used to create television programs that broadcast historical knowledge. The author of this article examines one of the most conceptual aspect of historical popularization on TV – the conception of fact as a semantic category. The analysis bases on several examples o f television program “Nefact” (“Not a fact”), broadcasted on the Russian television channel “Zvezda”. It is a modern television product, which explores different events and phenomena in the point of view of the concept of fact and factual. In the focus of the article is lexical units “fact” and “not fact”, its semantic and functional meanings, and different ways of using in text structure of the TV-program. At the end of the article the author concludes that this lexical units can denote a reliable piece of information; 2) serve as a marker of doubt; 3) give a starting point to journalistic investigation and determine its structure; 4) serve as confirmation or refutation of information, being used at the conclusion of the investigation; 5) perform a nominative function, defining a specific style of presentation of the material. The author examines communicative potential of the test unit in journalistic materials and its importance in the promotion of knowledge.
Keywords: fact, factual, lexical meaning, connotation
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 77 — 80
Downloads: 706