DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-68-72
The article focuses on the special aspects of radio text, which are determined by the polycode nature (verbal and non-verbal) and play a significant role in this function of the interactive element and potentials of digital broadcasting (combination of WEB and audiovisual practices). The paper considers radio text as a product of the system of sociocultural, social and communication technical contexts. The analysis of radio speech considers the role of the author, the role of the addressee, the listening rule (casual, spontaneous auditing in background). The rule of listening is considered as reconstruction of discursive parts of creation of the final product. Discursive parts are levels of organization of radio text (institutional – media, local – media channel, personal – cognitive and communicative models of realization of the author and the addressee). Discursive practices are part of communicative event in complex social interaction. Discursive analysis gives a sense of polystructure and polyfunctional basis of the radio text. Discursive analysis introduces the role of the author, the role of the addressee, the value orientation, the semiotic aspect of realization of interaction, the tonality of interaction, the index of persuasion intentions. As a result, the picture of the world is reflected in a unique communicative and speech model of the discourse manifested in the effects of both institutional and personal impact on the recipient.
Keywords: modeling of the world, radio text, communicative model, interaction, author and addressee, discursive worldview, axiology
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 68 — 72
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