DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-62-67
The article considers gender peculiarity of emotion manifestations: the degree of expression, feelings intensity, emotional spectrum. Traces the reflection of the psychological characteristics identified in the speech of men and women as one of the levels of human emotion. It is proved that gender-specific features of speech behavior of native speakers of a particular language can be detected through the analysis of language structures at the morphemic, lexical and syntactic levels. Describes a group of emotionally loaded language elements, on the basis of the comparative analysis reveals gender differences in their use in the text. The quantitative and substantial difference in the use of linguistic means in male and female texts that confirm the gender peculiarities of the emotional sphere of the personality is consistently traced. The study confirmed that gender differences are reflected in communication, manifested in the language and can be studied using linguistic methods. Different for the two sexes experiences arising from gender roles, lead to the fact that the skills and perception in men and women is partly different, which is manifested on the verbal level. Language reveals the ways in which manifested a big emotional freedom of women, intensity of emotions, the difference of the spectrum: women’s positive evaluation, appropriate for men negative connotation. The results of the content analysis of language means are summarized and presented in the table.
Keywords: means of emotion expression, deminutive, lexicon, gender
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 62 — 67
Downloads: 905