DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-51-57
This article is devoted to the analysis of the functioning of the combination of the conjunction да with a specifier вот in a variety of syntactic structures. The relevance of the study is determined by the active interest of modern linguistics to function words and, more generally, to means of communication, functioning in different semantic structures. Да вот forms different constructions depending on the main semantics of the conjunction да. This conjunction actualizes negative and connecting relations in our material. Particle вот also performs different functions, for example, the amplifying, anaphoric and cataphoric functions. Sometimes this particle plays an important role in the semantic distinction and addition. Да вот has a characteristic compatibility with such national words and function words as interrogative pronouns and adverbs, noun беда, particles бы, только, хоть, хотя бы, еще, pronominal adverb как-то, etc. This article presents the specific types of syntactic structures built on the basis of the combination да вот. Such structures include question-answer statements and constructions with a rhetorical question. This article also analyzes the application of да вот in idiomatic structures. Material source is National Corpus of the Russian language. Practical significance of the research is that the results benefit can be used to compile a dictionary of function words of the Russian language.
Keywords: syntax, conjunction, conjunctional construction, specifier, semantics
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 51 — 57
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