DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-44-50
The article presents the experience of comparative analysis of the image of the lyrical hero in Russian and French poetry of symbolism in the aspect of lexical means of explicating the problem of life searches and searching for the meaning of human existence. It is demonstrated that the essence of the philosophical aesthetics of symbolism lies in the knowledge of the world on the basis of the idealistic concept of duality, according to which the world of ideas is considered true, and the real world is recognized as imperfect. The subject of consideration is the specificity of the organization of lexical level units involved in creating images of the lyric hero in the poetical texts of S. Baudelaire and A. Blok. Through the use of lexical-semantic, textological analysis and with reference to the dictionary data it is demonstrated that the rebellious heroes of famous poets perceive life through the tragedy aesthetics of symbolism. The problem of vital searches of lyric heroes Baudelaire and Blok is presented in dynamics and is realized in the context of understanding the philosophical aesthetics of symbolism in general, and also taking into account the characteristics of the author’s worldview. In the comprehension of the problem of life searches of lyric heroes Sh. Baudelaire and A. Blok it is possible to outline both similar and distinctive tendencies. Differences are due to national and cultural characteristics, as well as the specific nature of the author’s picture of the world, which as a whole determined the selection of lexical units in the structure of the analyzed poetic texts.
Keywords: symbolism, Charles Baudelaire, Alexander Block, lyrical hero, lexical means
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 44 — 50
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