DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-31-38
The article examines the influence of the city newspaper’s discourse on the system of the evaluative means having the specificity determined by the memorial and local historical function of the regional edition. Semantic and stylistic analysis of the materials of the newspaper “Kuznetskiy rabochiy” (Novokuznetsk) linked to the local historical dominant “F. M. Dostoevsky in Kuznetsk” shows that the meliorative contexts prevail. Due to the semantic and stylistic analysis of the evaluative contexts participating in the representation of the examined local historical dominant, it is possible to identify two connected components of the value content: the Kuznetsk events in the writer’s life as the cultural heritage of the city and F. M. Dostoevsky’s contribution to the culture. The first component is more concretized, while the second component, which is the base of the first one from the logical point of view, is presented by the repeated periphrases and appendices characterizing F. M. Dostoevsky as an artist in the general meliorative (normative) aspect. The materials not linked to the local historical dominant “F. M. Dostoevsky in Kuznetsk” present the great writer’s contribution to the Russian and world culture in a more multidimensional way. The memorial and local historical function of the regional edition determines, primarily, the ethical evaluation actualization; however, it interacts with other types of the evaluation as well – teleological, normative, and aesthetic ones. During the realization of such topics as the importance of F. M. Dostoevsky’s stay for Kuznetsk, the preservation of the memory of this stay, the value of the contact with the spiritual space of the memory, the emotional and expressive means are constantly used in the evaluative contexts. The emotional and expressive intensity of the contexts increases together with the role of the ethical evaluation. In the examined newspaper materials, the topic of the preservation of cultural memory is the central one among the topics representing the hyper-topic of Dostoevsky’s stay in Kuznetsk as the cultural heritage of the city. Particularly, it is presented not only by the meliorative pole but also by the pejorative one actualizing the topic of cultural oblivion. Pejorative contexts are not isolated; they are used in correlation with the meliorative ones, which, due to such means as contrast, increases the pragmatic effect. Prevailing of the meliorative contexts in the representation of the local historical dominant “F. M. Dostoevsky in Kuznetsk” confirms the sustainable ideals of the regional community and the stable range of the materially embodied values discussed in the city newspaper.
Keywords: evaluation, evaluative means, emotional and expressive means, regional media discourse, city newspaper, local historical dominant
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 31 — 38
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