DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-6-24-30
The article deals with the discourse markers, which are complexes of particles, in the functional and stylistic aspect on the basis of articles devoted to the topics on culture, politics and economics, in federal and local newspapers of Perm Krai. It is noted that in the analyzed articles are widely used complex discourse markers, consisting of particles as “i”, “dazhe”, “eshche”, “tozhe”, “tol‘ko”, “ved‘”, etc. The examples of the most used particles show the realization of semantic and pragmatic properties of the particle complexes in the newspaper discourse, which proves the ability of particles to be easily combined with each other and form different complexes. In the „Russian grammar” of 1980 is asserted that the complex composition is primarily characteristic of modal particles. According to observations of T. M. Nikolaeva, the composition of particle complexes includes unions, and sometimes whole sentences as phrasemes. In our opinion, the discursive complex includes not only modal particles. We show examples of such discursive complexes as “dazhe i ne”, “eshche i”, “khot‘ i”, “da i”, “ved‘ i”, “tol‘ko ne”, “da eshche”, “ved‘ imenno”, “ved‘ dazhe”, etc. We specify their semantics and function in different contexts of utterance. Using these complex discourses is achieved strengthening of negation, addition, specification, accession, separation, concessive values and also specifies the event condition. In addition, it has been found that a complex discursive consists of a dominant component and one or more optional forcing components. Functional and semantic analysis of these and other complex discourses make sure that such discourse markers force, strengthen value of a certain component of the statement. In general, it can be said that in the newspaper texts discourse show the ability of particles to enter the complexes. Thus, it can be argued that not only individual particles, but also – especially – the particle complexes express in each statement certain shades of additional meanings. The particles expand their capabilities as the discourse marks in semantic and functional relations.
Keywords: particles, complex discourse markers, newspaper discourse, semantics of particles, functions of particles
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Issue: 6, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 24 — 30
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