DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-5-28-32
Pragmalinguistics is a core discipline within the modern linguistics. It is the study of human communication. This article deals with the choices speaker makes to express his intended meaning and the kinds of inferences that hearers draw from an utterance in the context of its use. The article surveys pragmalinguistics from different perspectives, presenting the main theories in pragmatic research, incorporating conscious verbal act as well as unconscious one. In the fast-developing field of implicit pragmalinguistics, our investigation fills the gap in the wide scope of today’s research revealing the actualization of the hidden grammatical meanings depending on the specific pragmatic situation of human communication. This article analyzes the verbal habits of New-Zealand politician John Key according to emotive and conative-oriented strategies. It also identifies the fragment of John’s verbal image based on automatized and unconscious choice of the speech signals, represented in the hidden verbal strategies. They are focused on the hidden conviction of the interlocutor and the formation of his mental state. The recipient takes them on an unconscious level simultaneously with lexical, semantic, grammatical forms and meanings. Speech signals of hidden intentions, as the contents of the hidden intentions are considered as the novelty of the work. The given verbal image allows us to reveal his automatized verbal experience, so therefore his individuality and uniqueness. The difficulty lies in the interpretation of these hidden intentions as well as their existence in speech and their perceptions by the recipients.
Keywords: implicit pragmalinguistics, verbal behavior, hidden verbal strategies, verbal plan, small syntactic group, verbal image
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Issue: 5, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 28 — 32
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