DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-142-146
Correlative concepts STUDENT refer to understudied cultural and mental entities. The relevance of this work is determined by the need to understand deeply the content, as well as to detalize the structure of these concepts, correlated with the significant social figure of modern human communities. The subject of study are lexicographic meanings of the names of concepts STUDENT, fixed in dictionaries of English and Russian languages of XIX– XX centuries. The paper allots the following tasks: 1) to carry out an analysis of historical and linguistic information concerning the word student, which are contained in dictionary entries written in English; 2) to analyze historical and linguistic information concerning the word student, contained in dictionary entries written in Russian; 3) to compare the results obtained. During the research, we use methods of descriptive method (observation, comparison, generalization, interpretation), definition analysis, combined with semantic analysis, as well as contextual analysis of the dictionary illustrations. The article is intended for researchers in the field of lexical semantics, linguoculturology, linguo-conceptology. So, the concept STUDENT appeared in English worldview earlier than the concept STUDENT in Russian worldview. This is evidenced by the time of lexicographic imaging of key names of these correlative concepts. Initially, student was associated with people, enthusiastic books, then with people who acquired knowledge and life experience in different educational institutions, and, finally, with people who receive this or that specialty. In the name of concept STUDENT there is a certain dynamics: the expansion of semantic field, especially due to units that are hyponyms to the keyword. In all dictionaries of the Russian language, the lexical unit student is indicated as borrowing from European languages. For a long time in the Russian linguistic culture, its nuclear part remains practically unchanged. In the meaning of the word student, only peripheral semes are changed or modified. We can also state the enrichment of the derivational potential of this word. The development of the semantic-derivational possibilities of the names of the considered correlative concepts is related to the peculiarities of a particular language. In English, the word student is characterized by semantic derivation, in Russian by word-formative derivation.
Keywords: representatives of concepts STUDENT, historical and linguistic aspect of research, lexicographic sources of the English and Russian languages
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 142 — 146
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