DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-178-182
The article deals with the notion of “strategic speech competence” in the composition of communicative competence, its structure, represented by substantial and pragmatic components. The urgency of the proposed problem is to intensify the process of teaching the Korean language at school and at a university. One of the ways to solve the problem of preparing graduates for speaking in a foreign language in the Korean language is the formation of strategic speech competence among students in the process of mastering the Korean language. The content component reflects the specifics of the Korean language, namely knowledge of cultural traditions, knowledge of social situations and social functions of communication, non-verbal features of oral-speech communication in the Korean language. The pragmatic component is represented by a complex of compensatory, perceptual and discursive skills. Particular attention is paid to the definition of a “discursive skill”, a “discursive marker”. The discursive skills include 1) the ability to accurately formulate your thoughts, 2) the ability to accurately use a variety of language tools, 3) the ability to defend your point of view, 4) the ability to introduce yourself; 5) the ability to put forth possible variants “For” and “Against”; 6) the ability to conclude, 7) the ability to end the conversation. The discursive markers include introductory sentences, prepositional constructions, introductory words, particles, functioning primarily in oral speech and orienting it on the listener. Discursive markers in Korean are distinguished. Methodical techniques aimed at forming strategic speech competence and teaching oral-speech communication in the Korean language are proposed.
Keywords: strategic competence, speech competence, strategic speech competence, the Korean language, oralspeech communication, communicative maxima, compensatory skill, perceptual ability, discursive ability, discursive marker
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 178 — 182
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