DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-164-168
The system of activities, represented in this article, is aimed at training students to proofread writing. The ability to identify errors is of high priority for a future teacher of foreign languages. This will help students acquire and master necessary professional skills and will introduce the idea of language norm, as well as develop the ability to analyze and generalize information. Evaluating the quality of a written text can be done in an effective way by the knowledge of proofreading exercises. These exercises can really help students only if they are conducted in an organized manner and the students practice them consistently. The system of activities introduced in this article is designed for teaching students proofreading and includes four units. The Introduction acquaints students with the symbols, used for marking errors and provides first training. The Practice includes different in-class activities, such as peer evaluation, proofreading students’ own texts and games. In the Assessment part the author suggests the criteria for evaluating students’ proofreading skills. Some ideas for Creative Work are offered. The content of each unit is revealed in the article. Getting students to recognize problems in their writing is an important challenge which is best dealt with in class exercises. However, the author considers the possibility of students’ individual work, providing they are acquainted with proofreading techniques.
Keywords: professional competence of a teacher, proofreading, written speech, grammar, students’ individual work
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 164 — 168
Downloads: 857