DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-133-137
The French medical discourse refers to institutional discourses and results from the interaction of a number of other discourses, such as advertising, medical academic discourse, legislative (legal) discourse in the field of medicine, scientific medical discourse and the actual medical discourse. It is characterized by polyphonic inclusions of social, historical, pharmaceutical, encyclopedic discourses. The article deals with the French scientific medical discourse and its genre palette. The concept of «genre» originates in antiquity being many centuries-old. The «Father» of the term «speech genre» is M.M. Bakhtin, who created the theory of speech genres, which under the influence of a new paradigm in linguistics has undergone same changes in its development, but still remains in demand. Modern linguistics does not have an exhaustive classification of speech genres. There are many definitions of the speech genre depending on the trend of the study. We consider that, the speech genre is a model, a canon, a relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic type of expression. Due to the heterogeneity of genre forms are different: macro-genre (hyper-genre), complex genre, nuclear genre, subgenre. The article deals with written speech genres of the French medical scientific discourse such as «the monograph» as a macro-genre and «the scientific article» as a nuclear genre.
Keywords: scientific medical discourse, genre, speech genre, macrogenre, nuclear genre, speech genre differentiation
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 133 — 137
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