DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-128-132
The paper presents the comparative analysis of French, Russian and English figurative vocabulary representing archetypically essential foods – honey, milk and butter. Figurative vocabulary is a valuable source of data connected with national mentality; it reflects material and spiritual culture in the language. The investigation of figurative expressions containing different linguistic units which represent foods is relevant due to the fact that food, being an element of national culture, is connected in the greatest degree with peoples’ perception of their national characteristic features. Figurative expressions containing such linguistic units as ‘honey’, ‘milk’ and ‘bread’ have been analyzed as these elements are frequently used in French, Russian and English figurative expressions. Milk and honey are equally significant foods for the Russians and French people, consequently, figurative meanings represented by these linguistic units are similar in both cultures. Milk symbolizes health, youth; it is also a source of enjoyment and pleasure in the English and French cultures. The linguocultural analysis of French figurative expressions was supplemented by the examination of their realizations in different types of discourse and compared to equivalent expressions in the Russian and English languages. The most vivid examples are provided with contexts from different types of discourse. The complex analysis of French expressions containing the unit “beurre” has shown that one and the same expression can have not only different but also antonymic figurative meanings which have opposite connotations. Thus, the results have shown that the complex analysis should be carried out in three aspects: linguocultural, comparative and discourse ones.
Keywords: figurative expressions, figurative vocabulary, figurative meanings, foods, linguocultural analysis, discourse analysis, French, Russian, English
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 128 — 132
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