DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-122-127
The article looks at the linguistic category of precedence in internet memes which are popular internet phenomena nowadays. The article is relevant due to the necessity of studying precedent phenomena in such a new internet genre as internet meme. The study involves the analysis of Russian internet memes. The methods include random sampling technique and discourse analysis. The study shows that a large variety of precedent phenomena (precedent names, statements, texts and situations) can be found in internet memes. Precedent phenomena fulfil several important functions acting as a device to trigger a humorous effect, to establish a dialogue with the reader, to convey an aesthetic effect or to set an intellectual game. The study offers a thorough examination of precedent phenomena functions in internet memes as well as the analysis of cognitive features of precedent phenomena. The study demonstrates that precedent phenomena are connected with cognitive sphere because they form a cognitive field which involves different concepts, frames and scripts. Special attention is given in the article to the comparison of precedent phenomena in internet memes to those in other types of discourse. This research area is interesting for further analysis. To sum up, precedent phenomena play an important role in internet memes, which is justified by the high occurrence and diversity of precedent phenomena in internet memes.
Keywords: internet meme, meme, internet communication, precedent phenomena, precedence, precedent text
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 122 — 127
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