DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-115-121
The article deals with the cognitive foundations of the mental phenomenon of imagination as well as the language representation of the ability to form and model an image. Imagination as a mental activity is the ability to form and shape an image. Analysis of the language conceptualization of imagination is based on the method of a cognitive modeling of a situation, with the help of which it is possible to access the knowledge of the mental process studied. A large number of verb nominations verbalizing the process of imagination attests to the importance of this phenomenon for the English language picture of the world. According to the empirical material the situation of imagination can be categorized by verbs that differently characterize it. The generalization of the components of the semantic structure of linguistic expressions and the contexts of their representation have made it possible to construct a cognitive model of the situation of imagination with the following participants: the subject of imagination, the process of imagination (as the formation of mental images in a certain space-time environment) and the object of imagination (imaginary). The volume of the empirical material allowed us to identify and analyze the signs of the participants of the situation of imagination.
Keywords: semantics of imagination, situation, participant of the situation, cognitive model of the situation, knowledge structure, language representation, language categorization
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 115 — 121
Downloads: 727