DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-111-114
The article contains different points of view of Russian scientists regarding the reasons of English words incorporation into the Russian everyday language space. A comparative analysis of the penetration degree of English loan words into the Russian everyday language is presented. A psycholinguistic experiment is conducted in two groups (students and teachers), using the method of subjective definitions and free association method. It showed differences in the under- standing of the Anglicisms of the thematic groups “Music”, “Information technology”, “Soft and computer games”. The respondents were to find the synonyms and give the definitions to the proposed words. The analysis showed that the first group of respondents had understanding of the represented thematic groups by 70%, the second group showed lower results - 56%. The obtained results demonstrated that the respondents of the first group interact less with such areas as modern music, software and computer games. The absence of the need to use these words in the speech explains the low entry percentage of studied English loan-words into the everyday language. The results of the experiment showed that the incorporation of Anglicisms into the Russian everyday language space is a natural and irreversible process connected with the needs of contemporary people to use words that denote new concepts, objects and phenomena in speech.
Keywords: Anglicism, English loan-words, incorporation, Russian everyday language space, intercultural interaction
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 111 — 114
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