DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-106-110
The problem of the reflection of the natural and spontaneous culture code in Russian and Chinese linguocultures is considered with the example of phraseological units with the element fire from the point of view of the linguistic and cultural approach that allowed analyzing linguistic material in the context of analysis of language and culture in a synchronous aspect. The characteristics of the aggregate of Russian and Chinese phraseological phrases are given, based on the study of linguistic parameters proper (the linguistic picture of the world, linguistic consciousness, the features of the lingual complex), which made it possible to distinguish and compare the semantic meanings of phraseological units with the element fire as a natural spontaneous code of culture, as a sign of the “language of culture” in cultural connotative meanings, highlight the similarities and differences in their historical and sociocultural content in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The specifics of the natural-elemental culture code, which includes the natural-landscape code of culture, associated with the main elements (in Russian - fire, water, air, earth, in Chinese - metal, water, wood, fire, earth) is described. These examples allowed us to state that in both linguocultures the natural-spontaneous code of culture preserved the oldest notions, which is fixed in the semantic sense of the phraseological turns with the element fire.
Keywords: linguoculturology, culture code, phraseological units, the element fire, language, linguistic consciousness, culture
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 106 — 110
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