DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-96-101
The paper deals with the key aspects of electronic literary text semiotics and the specific realization of its categories such as cohesion and coherence. The research materials include several electronic texts (based on different platforms and technologies such as Adobe Flash, Scalar, HTML 5) that demonstrate the use of conceptually valid poly-code elements in their semantic structure. The main methods of the research are general scientific methods such as monitoring and description in conjunction with the method of comparative analysis and complex linguistic and stylistic analysis of literary text. The basis of text formation logical and semantic connections is the repetition of information in the various parts of the text. The cohesion of electronic literary text structural elements is provided by micro and macro thematic correlation of nonverbal components that relate to repeated verbal elements of electronic literary text. Being semantic valid, nonverbal components (audio, video, graphics, animation) can correlate with the differ character and length verbal components (letter; word/ word combination/ phrase; a part of text: the whole text) of electronic literary text. The spatial arrangement of verbal and nonverbal elements of electronic literary text is a means of expressing thematic and conceptual structure of the electronic work. Electronic literary text coherence comes along in the recipient’s consciousness during the cognitive process which helps to build holistic meaning transferring with the help of verbal and nonverbal elements of electronic work. Electronic literary text is semiotic complex object of modern informational and communicational discourse where verbal code is still meaningful but not predominant element. This fact transfers the text materiality into the sphere of cross disciplinary research in the humanities.
Keywords: Electronic literary text, verbal, nonverbal, coherence, cohesion, polycode
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 96 — 101
Downloads: 900