DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-90-95
The article deals with the semantic features of onomatopoeic words in German and Tatar languages in comparative terms. The aim of the research was to identify the similarities, differences and features in the words under analysis. In each language there are certain features in the perception of sounds. In both languages there are not only onomatopoeia but also the onomatopoeic nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs, which are an onomatopoetic vocabulary of each language. It is a universal vocabulary that has much in common even in unrelated languages. Separately is analyzed a group of onomatopoeic nouns, which represent the names of insects, birds and animals in both languages and the principles of their nomination in the Tatar language. In German, these words are non-productive while in Tatar it is the result of word-formation processes. The classification of verbs of sound according to their denotative content takes into account the peculiarities of both languages. Many onomatopoeic verbs are multivalued and can be assigned to several groups at once. Functional possibilities of onomatopoetic lexicon of both languages are considered as well – children’s language, proverbs and set phrases – characteristic of all languages and most vividly reflecting the national identity of the language. Knowledge of these functions is necessary to exclude communicative failures.
Keywords: onomatopoeia, an imitative origin of the word, lexical expressive means, semantics, verbs of sound
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 90 — 95
Downloads: 835