DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-84-89
The relevance of the study is determined by several areas. First, the languages of the indigenous peoples of Siberia belong to the category of endangered languages lacking an ancient written tradition, thus enhancing the value of the folklore of these peoples as a primary resource allowing us to obtain important linguistic data, as well as to draw significant conclusions regarding the specific features of the genesis of the linguistic and cultural processes of the respective ethnic groups. Secondly, there has emerged a recent particular increase in the interest of researchers in the study of lexical systems of aboriginal languages of Siberia in connection with typological problems. However, up to the present time, no attempts have been made to separately study the system of color markings of the Selkup language. On the material of prosaic folklore texts, as well as lexicographical works on the Taz dialect, an attempt was made to describe the semantic zone “white”. With the aim of studying folklore and lexicographic materials from the point of view of the semantic features of color markings in the context of modern priorities of linguistic research, a set of lexemes with the value of “white” in a corresponding dialect is defined as a result of the work. Their semantic structure is described. A strategy for their representation in lexicographic material is proposed. In addition, symbolic patterns in “white” are observed in Selkup beliefs and shamanic practices.
Keywords: color terms, the Selkup language, lexicon, semantics, Taz dialect
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 84 — 89
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