DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-70-74
The paper deals with the question of formation, explication, and implication of epistemic meanings in the structure of a predicate polynomial, language means of its expression for determination the truthfulness of a statement and its value from the speaker’s point of view. The meaning of an epistemic statement is analyzed, the explicit and the implicit forms of realization the modality are determined, as well as mechanisms of the formation of epistemic senses implied in speech by the polynomial construction. The exchange of information in the communication process involves the determination of the intention of a statement, the interpretation of its motives, the ability to explicate the implicit meaning of the utterance, which, in turn, reveals the degree and nature of the interpretation that speaks of objective reality from the point of view of its conception of the object of a judgment. The analysis of the language factology confirms the importance of expanding the structure of the predicate polynomial by introducing the modal component and makes it possible to demonstrate its leading role in a number of other different-level linguistic forms of meaning within the framework of logical predicates “know-consider”. The general theoretical basis of analysis is made up of logical concepts of intentionality and truthfulness of statement.
Keywords: epistemic modality, evaluation, predication, polynomial structure, modal verbs
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 70 — 74
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