DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-59-64
The paper refers to the sphere of German studies, which is devoted to the language and culture of Russian Germans. The paper deals with anthroponymics – an understudied part of lexicon of the popular-spoken language of this ethnic community. The relevance of research topic is dictated by 1) urgent tasks of fixing, preserving and studying language and culture of Russian Germans as minority entities; 2) need to understand the linguo-cultural problems related to ethnoses and ethnic groups, with the use of still unused empirical materials, as well as testimony of metalanguage consciousness; 3) need for a detailed study of the nominal system of Russian Germans. The work was written due to the results of a fulltime audience survey of Russian Germans now living in Tomsk. It analyzes the names and demonstrations of metalanguage consciousness of representatives of this diasporic group. The names and demonstrations are represented in relation to proper names, which have German “color”. The aim of the paper is to determine whether Russian Germans’ proper names preserve the ethno-cultural connotation. The work results have both linguistic and historical-cultural significance. The combination of different ways of studying proper nouns of Russian Germans – revealing the procedural linguistic knowledge of subjects and referring to their declarative knowledge of German language allows to recreate links of anthroponymic system of this ethnic community. New lexical units,which clarify the notion of peculiarities of marks of Russian Germans are introduced into scientific usage. They can be used to compile anthroponymic dictionaries, a database of dying cultures.
Keywords: sociolinguistic questioning, linguo-culture of Russian Germans, modern anthroponyms
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 59 — 64
Downloads: 801