DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-53-58
The paper is devoted to studying the communicative and pragmatic foundations of personality self-presentation and its significance in the process of communication. In modern society the intensification of communicative processes demands considerable resources from a person to govern the impression. The development of mass communications and political technologies increases the importance of governing the impression and constructing one’s own image that is not only a mean for various kinds of manipulation, but is a necessary element of self-realization for every person. Most researchers of self-presentation note the man’s aspiration to create a positive image is formed by tactics of emphasizing positive information. The implementation of the tactics in the “star” interview suggests the demonstration of positive characteristics, outstanding leadership skills, and the ability to overcome difficulties, the source of creative inspiration. The texts of the “star” interview are analyzed from the various ways of verbalizing the tactics of emphasizing positive information. The spectrum of lexical-semantic and syntactical means, conducive to positive selfpresentation of the public person is carefully analyzed. The practical value of the work is determined by the possibility to use its provisions and conclusions for preparing training courses and special seminars on communication, cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, and image.
Keywords: communication, self-presentation, image, a positive image, the “star” interview, the tactics of emphasizing positive information
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 53 — 58
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