DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-46-52
The article is focused on the separated syntactic constructions as a productive syntactic model which is used in the headlines of online quality press. The headlines from online archives of The Telegraph and The Independent dated back to 2015 and 2017 are used as the material for the study. The article is aimed at explaining the reasons for the use of the separated syntactic constructions in the headlines and singling out the main types of the separated syntactic constructions which are used in the headlines of online quality press. They are segmented constructions (binary separated constructions in which the segment (the first part) represents the main notion and the base (the second part) represents an utterance about the notion); joining constructions (syntactic complex containing two semantically connected utterances which are joining part and joined carrying some additional information); parcelled syntactic constructions (constructions containing the main part and parcelled part(s) which is (are) the rema of the headline separated by a punctuation mark); constructions with parenthesis (when structures of different syntactic levels (words, word combinations, predicate constructions or sentences) are included in the text of the headline to give a particular detail or to emphasize something); and separated syntactic constructions of mixed type (constructions of special type containing all above mentioned separated syntactic constructions as means of syntactic convergence). The article concludes that the separated syntactic constructions help to increase information content of the headline taking into consideration the peculiarities of online media and making the headline more expressive and attractive to the reader.
Keywords: headline, separated syntactic constructions, segmented syntactic constructions, joining syntactic constructions, parcelled syntactic constructions, syntactic constructions with parenthesis, separated syntactic constructions of mixed type
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 46 — 52
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