DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-32-40
The article deals with basic periods of formation and development of communicative stylistics of text, which has been growing at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University since 1992 at the department of modern Russian and stylistics (from the end of 2017 the department of the Russian language). Peculiarities of this scientific school and factors that defined its dynamics in scientific context of linguistics at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century are described in the article. In the light of the ideas of the communicative paradigm of linguistic knowledge, in the nineties and early 2000s, the achievements of related sciences are formed that fall under the traditional and functional stylistics, functional lexicology and the theory of the communicative text: the main directions of the communicative stylistics of the text: on the verge of linguistic pragmatics – the regulative theory, on the verge of psycholinguistics – theory of text associations, on the verge of philological hermeneutics – the theory of semantic expansion of the text. Each of these areas of communicative stylistics is aimed at researching the effectiveness of dialogue between the author and the reader with the use of text. The main is the systemic and active approach to the text as a form of communication and the phenomenon of idiostyle of the language personality, which is “left” outside the text. Ideas of communicative and active approach to the text, which are realized in works of this trend, were called for the methods of teaching the Russian language. The basic periods of communicative stylistics of text development are due to new tendencies in language and speech research, connected to extension of units of analysis and to intensification of cognitive and discursive aspects of textual activity, expansion of empirical base of researches, that includes at the beginning of XXI century poetic, advertising, epistolary, media discourses. Cognitive and media vector of development is typical for modern communicative stylistics of text. It is obvious that there is the necessity of further expansion of empirical material associated with genre and style variety of up-to-date media communication, elaboration of typology of informational and media language personalities, research of cognitive aspects of their idiostyle as well as perfection of methods of different types of texts’ analysis in perspective.
Keywords: communicative stylistics, regulative theory, theory of textual associations, theory of semantic expansion of text, tendencies and periods of scientific school development, text, language personality, idiostyle
1. Bolotnova N. S. Khudozhestvennyy tekst v kommunikativnom aspekte i kompleksnyy analiz edinits leksicheskogo urovnya [Bélles-léttres text in communicative aspect and complex analysis of lexical level units]. Tomsk, Tomsk State University Publ., 1992. 312 p. (in Russian).
2. Bolotnova N. S. Leksicheskaya struktura khudozhestvennogo teksta v assotsiativnom aspekte [Lexical structure of bélles-léttres text in associative aspect]. Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 1994. 212 p. (in Russian).
3. Bolotnova N. S. Kratkaya istoriya stilistiki khudozhestvennoy rechi v Rossii (k istokam kommunikativnoy stilistiki teksta) [Short history of béllesléttres speech stylistics in Russia (to the beginning of communicative stylistics of text)]. Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 1996. 48 p. (in Russian).
4. Bolotnova N. S. Zadachi i osnovnye napravleniya kommunikativnoy stilistiki khudozhestvennogo teksta [Tasks and basic trends of communicative stylistics of bélles-léttres text]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 1998, no. 6, pp. 6–8 (in Russian).
5. Bolotnova N. S. O teorii regulyativnosti khudozhestvennogo teksta [About regulative theory of bélles-léttres text]. Stylistyka: Stylistyka Stowianska. Slavik Stylisties,1998, no. 7, pp. 179–188 (in Russian).
6. Bolotnova N. S., Bezmenova L. R., Dubovitskaya Yu. V., Kasperskaya O. V., Kir’yanova T. N., Pazatova N. S., Pichkur L. Yu., Prikhod’kova L. A., Shiman L. A. Osnovy tekstovedeniya v shkole: Kniga dlya uchitelya [Foundations of study of text at school: Book for teachers]. Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova. Tomsk, Tomsk TsNTI Publ., 2000. 248 p. (in Russian).
7. Kasperskaya O. V. Metodika obucheniya interpretatsionnoy deyatel’nosti starsheklassnikov v profil’noy shkole v protsesse prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka. Avtoref. dis. kand. ped. nauk [Methods of teaching senior pupils in profile school to interpretation activity in the process of the Russian language teaching. Abstract of thesis of cand. of ped. sci.]. Moscow, 2010. 28 p. (in Russian).
8. Bezmenova L. A. Obucheniye uchashchikhsya osnovnoy shkoly tekstoobrazovaniyu na assotsiativnoy osnove v protsesse prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka. Avtoref. dis. kand. ped. nauk [Teaching pupils of secondary school to text formation on associative base in the process of the Russian language teaching. Abstract of thesis of cand. of ped. sci.]. Moscow, 2012. 29 p. (in Russian).
9. Russkiy yazyk v sovremennom kul’turnom prostranstve: materialy yubileynykh konferentsiy, posvyashchennykh 100-letiyu Tom. gos. ped. un-ta i 70-letiyu filologicheskogo f-ta Tom. gos. ped. un-ta (2–3 noyabrya 2000 g.). Pod red. prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Russian in up-to-date cultural sphere: materials of anniversary Conferences dedicated to centenary of Tomsk State Pedagogical University and seventieth anniversary of philological department of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (2–3 November 2000). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, Tomsk TsNTI Publ., 2000. 148 p. (in Russian).
10. Leksicheskiye aspekty smyslovogo analiza khudozhestvennogo teksta v vuze i shkole: materialy regional’nogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara (26 aprelya 2001 g.). Pod redaktsiey prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Lexical aspects of semantic analysis of bélles-léttres text at university and at school: materials of Regional Scientific and Practical seminar (26 April 2001). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 2001. 112 p. (in Russian).
11. Kommunikativno-deyatel’nostnyy i tekstoorientirovannyy podkhody k prepodavaniyu russkogo yazyka: materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (12 marta 2001). Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Communicative and active and oriented to text approaches to the Russian language teaching: materials of Scientific and Practical Conference (12 March 2001). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, Tomsk State Pedagogical University Publ., 2001. 127 p. (in Russian).
12. Khudozhestvennyy tekst i yazykovaya lichnost’: problemy izucheniya i obucheniya: materialy II Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii (11–12 oktyabrya 2001 g.) [Bélles-léttres text and language personality: problems of study and learning: materials of II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (11–12 October 2001)]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2001. 181 p. (in Russian).
13. Dialog s tekstom: problemy obucheniya smyslovoy interpretatsii: materialy V Regional’nogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara (25 aprelya 2002 g.). Pod red. prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Dialogue with text: problems of teaching semantic interpretation: materials of V Regional Scientific and Practical Seminar (25 April 2002). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2002. 143 p. (in Russian).
14. Khudozhestvennyy tekst i yazykovaya lichnost’: materialy III Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy 10-letiyu kafedry sovremennogo russkogo yazyka i stilistiki Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta (29–30 oktyabrya 2003 g.). Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Bélles-léttres text and language personality: materials of III All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the department of modern Russian and stylistics of Tomsk State Pedagogical University (29–30 October 2003). Edited by N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2003. 276 p. (in Russian).
15. Lingvosmyslovoy analiz khudozhestvennogo teksta: materialy VI Regional’nogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara (25 aprelya 2003 g.). Pod red. prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Linguistic and semantic analysis of bélles-léttres text: materials of VI Regional Scientific and Practical Seminar (25 April 2003). Eedited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2003. 132 p. (in Russian).
16. Poeticheskaya kartina mira: slovo i kontsept v lirike serebryanogo veka: materialy VII Vserossiyskogo nauchno-prakticheskogo seminara (Tomsk, 27 aprelya 2004 g.). Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Poetic world picture: word and concept in lyrics of Silver Age: materials of VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Seminar (Tomsk, 27 April 2004). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2004. 160 p. (in Russian).
17. Khudozhestvennyy tekst: slovo, kontsept, smysl: materialy VIII Vserossiyskogo nauchnogo seminara (21 aprelya 2006 g.). Pod red. prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Bélles-léttres text: word, concept, meaning: materials of VII All-Russian Scientific Seminar (21 April 2006). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2006. 210 p. (in Russian).
18. Khudozhestvennyy tekst i yazykovaya lichnost’: materialy IV Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii (27–28 oktyabrya 2005 g.). Pod red. prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Bélles-léttres text and language personality: Materials of IV All-Russian Scientific Conference (27–28 October 2005). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2005. 330 p. (in Russian).
19. Tekst i yazykovaya lichnost’: materialy V Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem (26–27 oktyabrya 2007g.). Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Text and language personality: materials of V All-Russian Scientific Conference with international participation (26–27 October 2007). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2007. 388 p. (in Russian).
20. Semantika i pragmatika slova v khudozhestvennom i publitsisticheskom diskursakh: materialy IX Vserossiyskogo nauchnogo seminara (25–26 aprelya 2008 g.) [Semantics and pragmatics of word in bélles-léttres and journalistic discourse: materials of IX All-Russian Scientific Seminar (25–26 April 2008)]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2008. 384 p. (in Russian).
21. Russkaya rechevaya kul’tura i tekst: materialy VI Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Tomsk (25–27 marta 2010 g.). Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Russian speech culture and text: materials of VI International Scientific Conference. Tomsk (25–27 March 2010). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2010. 457 p. (in Russian).
22. Russkaya rechevaya kul’tura i tekst: materialy VII Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. Tomsk, 16–18 maya 2012 g. [Russian speech culture and text: materials of VII International Scientific Conference. Tomsk, 16–18 May 2012]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2012. 457 p. (in Russian).
23. Russkaya rechevaya kul’tura i tekst: materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii (17–18 aprelya 2014 g.). Pod obshchey red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Russian speech culture and text: materials of VIII International Scientific Conference. Tomsk, (17–18 April 2014). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2014. 352 p. (in Russian).
24. Russkaya rechevaya kul’tura i tekst: materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii (15–16 aprelya 2016 g.). Pod obshchey redaktsiey prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Russian speech culture and text: materials of IX International Scientific Conference (15–16 April 2016). Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2016. 325 p. (in Russian).
25. Bolotnova N. S. O statuse kommunikativnoy stilistiki teksta i perspektivakh eye razvitiya [About status of communicative stylistics of text and prospects of its development]. Izvestiya Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta – Izvestiya of Altay State University Journal, 1998, no. 3, pp.15–26 (in Russian).
26. Bolotnova N. S. Problemy rechevedeniya: opredeleniye osnovnykh ponyatiy i kategoriy kommunikativnoy stilistiki teksta [Problems of speech study: determination of basic notions and categories of communicative stylistics of text]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2000, no. 3, pp. 60–66 (in Russian).
27. Bolotnova N. S. Kommunikativnaya stilistika teksta: slovar’-tezaurus [Communicative stylistics of text: dictionary-thesaurus]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2008, 384 p.; Moscow, Flinta: Nauka Publ., 2009; 2016. 384 p. (in Russian).
28. Pushkareva I. A. Smyslovye leksicheskiye paradigmy v lirike M. I. Tsvetaevoy. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Semantic lexical paradigms in lyric by M. I. Tsvetaeva. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 1999. 22 p. (in Russian).
29. Babenko I. I. Kommunikativnyy potentsial slova i ego otrazheniye v lirike M. I. Tsvetaevoy. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Comminicative word potential and its reflection in lyric by M. I. Tsvetaeva. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2001. 25 p. (in Russian).
30. Kur’yanovich A. V. Kommunikativnye aspekty slova v epistolyarnom diskurse M. I. Tsvetaevoy. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Communicative aspects of word in epistolary discourse by M. I. Tsvetaeva. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2001. 17 p. (in Russian).
31. Karpenko S. M. Assotsiativnye svyazi slova v uzuse i poeticheskom tekste (na materiale tvorchestva N. S. Gumileva). Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Associative word’s connections in usus and poetic text (on the material of N. S. Gumilev creativity). Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2000. 26 p. (in Russian).
32. Vasil’eva A. A. Leksicheskiy aspekt assotsiativnogo razvertyvaniya poeticheskikh tekstov O. Ye. Mandel’shtama. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Lexical aspect of associative expansion of poetic texts by O. E. Mandel’shtam. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2004. 30 p. (in Russian).
33. Veselovskaya E. V. Leksicheskaya struktura liricheskih tsiklov M. I. Tsvetaevoy v kommunikativnom aspekte. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Lexical structure of lyric cycles by M. I. Tsvetaeva in communicative aspect. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2002. 22 p. (in Russian).
34. Babenko I. I., Vasil’eva A. A., Tyurina R. Ya., Sypchenko S. V., Orlova O. V., Karpenko S. M. Kommunikativnaya stilistika khudozhestvennogo teksta: leksicheskaya struktura i idiostil’. Pod red. prof. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Communicative stylistics of bélles-léttres text: lexical structure and idiostyle. Edited by prof. N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, Tomsk State University Publ., 2001. 331 p. (in Russian).
35. Petrova N. G. Leksicheskiye sredstva regulyativnosti v poeticheskikh tekstakh K. D. Bal’monta. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Lexical means of regulativity in poetic texts by K. D. Bal’mont. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2000. 23 p. (in Russian).
36. Tyukova I. N. Kommunikativnye universalii i ikh leksicheskoye voploshcheniye v lirike B. L. Pasternaka (na materiale knigi «Sestra moya – zhizn’»). Avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk [Communicative universals and their lexical realization in lyric by B. L. Pasternak (on the book’s material “My Sister is Life”). Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2005. 30 p. (in Russian).
37. Bochkareva Yu. E. Variativnye leksicheskiye povtory kak sredstvo regulyativnosti v lirike M. I. Tsvetaevoy. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Variant lexical repeat as a mean of regulativity in lyric by M. I. Tsvetaeva. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2007. 23 p. (in Russian).
38. Gromova A. V. Regulyativnyy potentsial v poeticheskom diskurse M. I. Tsvetaevoy. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Regulative potential in poetic discourse by M. I. Tsvetaeva. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2010. 27 p. (in Russian).
39. Orlova O. V. Kommunikativnye aspekty leksicheskoy reprezentatsii kontsepta yazyk v lirike I. Brodskogo. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Communicative aspects of lexical representation of concept language in lyric by I. Brodskiy. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2002. 25 p. (in Russian).
40. Yakuga T. E. Klyuchevye kontsepty i ikh verbalizatsiya v aspekte regulyativnosti v poeticheskikh tekstakh Z. Gippius. Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Key concepts and their verbalization in the aspect of regulative theory in poetic texts by Z. Gippius. Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2006. 30 p. (in Russian).
41. Bolotnov A. V. Verbalizatsiya kontsepta khaos v poeticheskom diskurse serebryanogo veka (na materiale tvorchestva M. I. Tsvetaevoy, M. A. Voloshina, O. E. Mandel’shtama). Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Verbalization of concept chaos in poetic discourse of Silver Age (on the material of creativity by M. I. Tsvetaeva, M. A. Voloshin, O. E. Mandel’shtam). Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2009. 25 p. (in Russian).
42. Kochetova I. V. Regulyativnyy potentsial tsvetonaimenovaniy v poeticheskom diskurse serebryanogo veka (na materiale liriki A. Belogo, N. Gumileva, I. Severyanina). Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [Regulative potential of color names in poetic discourse of Silver Age (on the material of lyric by A. Belyy, N. Gumilev, I. Severyanin). Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2010. 26 p. (in Russian).
43. Baklanova E. A. Slovo i implitsitnyy smysl v rannikh rasskazakh V. V. Nabokova (na materiale sbornika rasskazov «Vozvrashvheniye Chorba»). Avtoref. dis. kand. filol. nauk [A word and implicit meaning in early short stories by V. V. Nabokov (on the material of collected stories “Chorb’s return”). Abstract of thesis cand. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2006. 30 p. (in Russian).
44. Bolotnova N. S. O svyazi regulyativnoy i kontseptual’noy struktur poeticheskogo teksta [About connection of regulative and concept structures of poetic text]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2006, no. 5, pp. 108–113 (in Russian).
45. Bolotnova N. S. Filologicheskiy analiz teksta: uchebnoye posobiye [Philological analysis of text: tutorial]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2006. 631 p. (in Russian).
46. Bolotnova N. S., Vasil’eva A. A. Kommunikativnaya stilistika teksta: bibliograficheskiy ukazatel’ po nauchnomu napravleniyu [Communicative stylistics of text: bibliography of scientific school]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2009. 188 p. (in Russian).
47. Bolotnova N. S. Kommunikativnaya stilistika teksta: kontseptual’nyy analiz v obuchenii shkol’nikov interpretatsionnoy deyatel’nosti [Communicative stylistics of text: concept analysis in teaching interpretation activity of schoolchildren]. Metodicheskaya lingvokontseptologiya: itogi i perspektivy razvitiya. Nauch. red. N. L. Mishatina [Methodic conceptology: results and prospects of development. Scientific editor N. L. Mishatina]. Saint Petersburg, Knizhnyy dom Publ., 2017. Pp. 205–214 (in Russian).
48. Bolotnova N. S., Babenko I. I., Baklanova E. A. i dr. Kommunikativnaya stilistika teksta: leksicheskaya regulyativnost’ v tekstovoy deyatel’nosti. Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Communicative stylistics of text: lexical regulativity in textual activity. Edited by N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TSPU Publ., 2011. 631 p. (in Russian).
49. Orlova O. V. Diskursivno-stilisticheskaya evolyutsiya mediakontsepta: zhiznennyy tsikl i miromodeliruyushchiy potentsial. Avtoref. dis. dokt. filol. nauk [Discursive and stylistic evolution of media concept: cycle of life and world modelling potential. Abstract of thesis of doct. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2012. 43 p. (in Russian).
50. Kur’yanovich A. V. Dinamika zhanrovo-stilisticheskikh osobennostey russkogo epistolyarnogo diskursa nositeley elitarnogo tipa rechevoy kul’tury (XX–XXI vv.). Avtoref. dis. dokt. filol. nauk [Dynamics of genre and stylistic peculiarities of Russian epistolary discourse of native speakers of elite type of speech culture (XX–XXI centuries). Abstract of thesis of doct. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2013. 39 p. (in Russian).
51. Bolotnova N. S., Bolotnov A. V., Kamneva N. V., Kashirin A. A., Kur’yanovich A. V., Pushkareva I. A. Yazykovaya lichnost’ i mediasreda: kommunikativno-kognitivnye aspekty vzaimodeystviya. Pod red. N. S. Bolotnovoy [Language personality and media sphere: communicative and cognitive aspects pf collaboration. Edited by N. S. Bolotnova]. Tomsk, TsNTI Publ., 2017. 248 p. (in Russian).
52. Bolotnov A. V. Idiostil’ informatsionno-mediynoy yazykovoy lichnosti: kommunikativno-kognitivnye aspekty issledovaniya. Avtoref. dis. dokt. filol. nauk [Idiostyle of informational and media language personality: communicative and cognitive aspects of research. Abstract of thesis doct. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2016. 39 p. (in Russian).
53. Kashirin A. A. Individual’nyy mediadiskurs informactsionno-mediynoy yazykovoy lichnosti vedushchego avtorskoy teleprogrammy kak forma reprezentatsii ego informatsionnogo polya [Individual media discourse of informational and media language personality of presenter of author TV program as a form of representation his informational field]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2017, no. 3, pp. 121–125 (in Russian). DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-3-121-125.
54. Pushkareva I. A. Diskurs gorodskoy gazety «Kuznetskiy rabochiy» (Novokuznetsk) kontsa XX – nachala XXI veka kak otrazheniye tsennostnoy kartiny mira. Avtoref. dis. dokt. filol. nauk [Discourse of municipal newspaper “Kuznetskiy worker” (Novokuznetsk) at the end of XX – beginning of XXI century as a reflection of value world picture. Abstract of thesis of doct. of phil. sci.]. Tomsk, 2016. 41 p. (in Russian).
55. Kamneva N. V. Yazykovye sredstva vyrazheniya obraza adresata v regional’nom gazetno-publitsisticheskom diskurse (na materiale prilozheniya «AiF-Tomsk») [Language means of the addressee’s image expression in the regional newspaper-publicistic discourse (based on the “AiF-Tomsk” suppliment)]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta – TSPU Bulletin, 2016, no. 11 (176), pp. 48–53 (in Russian).
Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 32 — 40
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