DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-26-31
The so-called epoch of the Internet, which has replaced the epoch of book, change dramatically the Russian literary language. That is to say, the language of media obtained the leading position amongst other language variations. The language of media is becoming a model language of the society and reflecting the current language practice. The media language represents the city linguistic norms and is focused on modernization (literary linguistic norms, in particular). This article is to set the hypotheses that there are two main form of the national modern literary language, existing in the modern information society. They are: 1) the elite literary language; 2) the mass literary language (and its implementation in the media as an option, which we mean “media language”). In mass-media communication, focused on mass media mind, literary standards are on the periphery of media content. Standard standards are superseded by norms of media communication, which draw their resources from the mass language of the whole society and themselves form this mass language. The present hypothesis is based on three fundamental principles: 1) the change of social status of modern media; 2) the definition of mass media language as common national language; 3) the concept of mediatization, which we develop in correlation to mass media language. This article concludes that traditional language norms are challenged by new technologies and are not relevant to speaking practice of mass media.
Keywords: media communication, media variation of the language, media norm, media mind, national language
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 26 — 31
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