DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2018-4-9-16
On the basis of conversations between the six-year-old boy and his mother the organization and ways of adultchild communication, semantics, pragmatics, and discourse language are revealed. Taken for study parameters, described in general, fit into the existing models of discursive analysis, which as an object considers oral dialogue. In particular, strategies, objectives, control over the course and change of types of speech activity, channels, tone, genres are described. Metacommunicative indicators and their role in organizational communication are determined. On the basis of speech characteristics, the question of whether the constitutive characteristics of discourse are in conversations is positively solved: fixed relative design, thematic and structural unity, relative semantic completeness. It is established that gaming and learning/cognitive strategies prevail; genre repertoire combines traditional children’s genres, popular science literature for children and new formats of the entertainment industry (cartoon, computer game); in the thematic field, modern cartoons, games (computer, desktop, mobile), history of inventions, microcosm, etc. prevail. Values and assessments are not emphasized. The analysis of the discourse testified to various cultural attitudes of the elderly and younger informants. Special appeal for boy new formats of the entertainment industry is faced with restrictions from his mother on viewing of this production.
Keywords: discourse, child, strategies, genres, topics of discourse
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Issue: 4, 2018
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 9 — 16
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