DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-169-176
The article considers the contemporary problems existing in organization and content of Russian education in the sphere of the development of general and specific giftedness of children in physics and mathematics. The paper develops the definitions of the general and specific giftedness. It outlines the specificity of the supplementary education of children as a sphere facilitating the development of children’s giftedness, their creative and intellectual capacities. In the paper we present the comprehensive regional model of the supplementary education of children in physics and mathematics and training of preservice teachers. The model works on the basis of the Centre for the supplementary education in physics, mathematics and natural sciences at the pedagogical higher education institution (HEI). We present the mechanisms for solving contemporary problems of physical, mathematical and engineering preparation of the HEI candidates. We consider organizational, content, methodical and technological aspects of the work on the development of the children’s giftedness in the integrated regional educational space of HEI and the supplementary education organization. The work describes the model of pedagogical training of the HEI students. The model is aimed, firstly, at the development of the students’ abilities to meet the professional challenges, secondly, at the development of the regional gifted children supplementary education. The paper presents the general overview of the outcomes of the implementation of the model considered. On the basis of the outcomes we could conclude that the model had a positive impact on the regional supplementary education of children and pedagogical training.
Keywords: children’s giftedness, creative potential, trial professional actions, learning professional and quasiprofessional situations, pedagogical support, mentorship
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 169 — 176
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