DOI: 10.23951/1609-624X-2017-12-162-168
There is a speculation on the relationship of communicative competence of foster parents and socialization of children in substitute (foster) families. Comparative analysis of indicators of communicative competence of foster parents and socialization of children of preschool age allowed to determine their direct relationship. Identified in foster family high level of communication in different spheres (life, cognition, social world, inner world of a child) corresponds to the high level of socialization of preschool children enrolled in a family. The results of diagnosis of foster parents, demonstrating the restriction of communication on the topics of social orientation or the lack of it on any of the scales correspond to the results of characterizing the low level of formation of the structural components of socialization of children. Foster parents who have restricted the content of communication on the topics of social orientation, will not be able to give children complete, specific knowledge and skills of social orientation. The conducted diagnostic study confirms the crucial importance for the socialization of children in foster family communicative competence of parents. It is also an important condition for the correction of existing shortcomings of the communicative activities of children in a foster family. The obtained results of the diagnostic study suggest the need for correction of the behaviour of many parents in relation to their foster children.
Keywords: communicative competence, socialization of children-orphans, foster parents, foster children, foster family
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Issue: 12, 2017
Series of issue: Issue 12
Pages: 162 — 168
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